Brush Pick Up

Brush Pick-up is for residential customers only. The City of Athens will not pick up brush from commercial properties, rental properties or contractors that have been hired to trim trees.

Brush is now picked up on a bi-weekly route schedule. Under the new schedule, streets north of Highway 30will be collected on the 1st and 3rd full weeks of the month. Streets south of Highway 30 will be collected the 2nd and 4th full weeks of the month. Brush needs to be free of debris and placed 3-5 ft from the edge of the road by 7:00 AM on Monday of the scheduled week.

This service is free of charge up to a brush trailer-size load. If the brush is a brush trailer-size or more, there will be an automatic $30.00 charge per load. A brush trailer load is measured as 27 cubic yards or 20 ft x 8ft x 4 1/2 ft.

 If you have any questions, please contact Public Works at (423) 744-2745 or email.