Where can I find out about vacancies at the City of Athens?
Vacancies are listed on this website, in the local newspaper, The Daily Post Athenian, on Comcast Channel 95, and on bulletin boards located inside City Hall. Once a vacancy is announced, interested individuals may come to City Hall to complete an application. You may also mail your applications to Human Resource Department, City of Athens, 815 North Jackson Street, Athens, TN 37303.

What are your office hours and where are you located?
Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. We are located in the Athens Municipal Building at 815 North Jackson Street, Athens, TN 37303.

Will you accept just my resume or must I complete an application?

A completed application is required to formally apply for a job. The additional information provided by an application is needed to verify your employment history and qualifications. Resumes will only be accepted when accompanied by an official application form and only during the prescribed posted time period.


What is the basic hiring process?
Our hiring process begins with the application process. Applications are accepted in the Human Resource office only during the time of a posted vacancy.
After the position vacancy is closed, all applications are reviewed with the department head. Potential candidates will be scheduled for the interview process, which may include written exams, oral interviews, a demonstration of skills, and background checks. Following the interview process, an offer will be made to the successful candidate. The hiring process may take several days or weeks from the time of your initial application submission. All applicants will be notified when the hiring process has been completed. Once an offer has been made and accepted, certain positions may be required to undergo a post-offer physical examination, a WorkSteps evaluation, and/or a drug test.


How do I find out what qualifications are required for job vacancies?
Each position with the City of Athens has a job description that will be attached to the job announcement along with the starting salary. Additional documents required for police officer applicants are: birth certificate, driver's license, DD214 (for applicants with military experience), and high school diploma. Applicants for full time positions must be 18 years of age except for police officers who must be 21 years of age to apply.

What benefits are offered to employees?
You may access a list of benefits by clicking on the link entitled "Benefits".